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4 days in

Hey Party People! Hope you had a fantastic 4th of July, and that your dog or cat didn't run away because of the fireworks! (News is on in the background as I write this, and that is one of the stories coming up, poor puppies looked so sad and scared!) I was unfortunately/fortunately home during the fireworks last night as I had to be awake beyond early for work, so I saw how my fur-baby reacts to fireworks. Bart (my cat) reacted more like it was a thunderstorm, trying to 'hide" when it got really loud, other than that, he was just kind of like, "what's going on???" So, as this entry is titled, I am a whooping 4 days into my latest training cycle for the 2017 Twin Cities Ultra Loony Challenge. So far, I am feeling good, but can already feel the difference in the intensity in this new program vs. what I have done in the past. Sunday, I started my training with a 7 mile tempo run, essentially a tempo run is where you hold a steady, fast-ish pace rather than

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